
Use the init command to authenticate to Endor Labs from a workstation with an external identity provider.

The command endorctl init allows you to quickly authenticate your client to Endor Labs using an external identity provider.

Supported authentication providers for endorctl init are:

  • google - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with Google Workspaces as your external identity provider.
  • github - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with GitHub Cloud as your external identity provider.
  • gitlab - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with GitLab Cloud as your external identity provider.
  • email - Used to create an API key and API key secret when you sign in with an email link.
  • sso - Used to sign in with a Custom Enterprise Identity Provider, such as Okta.


To login with your supported authentication provider:

endorctl init --auth-mode=google
endorctl init --auth-mode=github
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address>
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant>

To login with your supported authentication provider in environments without a browser you can use headless mode:

endorctl init --auth-mode=google --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=github --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=gitlab --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-email=<insert_email_address> --headless-mode
endorctl init --auth-mode=sso --auth-tenant=<insert-your-tenant> --headless-mode

Once you’ve issued the command in headless mode please navigate to an internet/browser accessible computer and follow the instructions provided in your terminal.


The following flags and environment variables are available for the init command.

Flag Environment Variable Description
auth-mode ENDOR_INIT_AUTH_MODE Set authentication method for the initialization process (github, google, gitlab, or azureadv2).
headless-mode ENDOR_INIT_HEADLESS_MODE Run authentication and initialization without opening your browser.