Endor Labs integrations

Learn how to integrate Endor Labs with third party services. Endor Labs provides several out of the box integrations for continuous monitoring, ticketing, and messaging workflows in your environment.

Set up continuous monitoring with GitHub

Learn how to continuously monitor your environment with the Endor Labs GitHub App.

Set up Jenkins pipeline for supervisory scans

Learn how to use Endor Labs Jenkins pipeline to conduct organization wide supervisory scans

Set up custom package repositories

Learn how to configure custom package repositories for dependency resolution.

Set up Jira integration with Endor Labs

Learn how to implementing ticketing workflows for JIRA.

Set up integrations using webhooks

Learn how to create webhooks and enable custom integrations with Endor Labs application

Set up Vanta integration with Endor Labs

Learn how to integrate Vanta with Endor Labs and automate compliance requirements

Set up email integration

Learn how to integrate your email addresses with Endor Labs and receive finding notifications

Set up Slack integration

Learn how to integrate Slack with Endor Labs and receive finding notifications