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Finding policies

Learn about finding policies and how to use them.

All findings are enabled, disabled and/or customized via policies. There are three types of Finding Policies:

  1. Open-source software management - Enable or disable findings for Vulnerabilities and Malicious Packages, Outdated Dependencies, Unmaintained Dependencies, Unpinned Direct Dependencies, Unused Direct Dependencies, License Risks
  2. Repository security posture management configuration - Enable, disable, or customize out-of-the-box policies repository security posture management (RSPM)
  3. Custom - Create custom policies from scratch or from pre-defined policy templates

Manage finding policies

To view, enable, disable, edit, or delete your Endor Labs policies:

  1. Sign in to Endor Labs and select Policies from the left sidebar.
  2. Use the search bar to search for a policy.
  3. Enable or disable a policy using the toggle.
  4. Select Hide Disabled to hide policies that are not enabled.
  5. Use Finding Level to filter policies by Critical, High, Medium, or Low.
  6. To delete a policy, click the vertical three dots and select Delete Policy.
  7. To edit a policy, click on the vertical three dots and select Edit Policy.

Custom finding policies

Create custom finding policies to identify additional issues based on the needs of your organization. For example, you can create license violation policies to define the behavior for missing, unknown, problematic, or incompatible licenses. You can permit or restrict packages with certain license types.

Endor Labs provides finding policy templates for various use cases:

Create a finding policy from template

Create a finding policy from a pre-defined Endor Labs template.

  1. Sign in to Endor Labs, and select Policies from the left sidebar.
  2. Click Create Finding Policy.
  3. Choose From Template to create a finding policy from template.
  4. Choose a Policy Template from the list. The template details are pre-filled with recommended values on the form.
  5. Severity, Summary, Explanation, Remediation, Finding Name, and Finding Categories are pre-populated with Endor Labs’ recommended values. You can modify them to suit your requirements.
  6. In Finding Custom Tags, enter custom tags that you want to associate with the findings of this policy. Custom tags can have a maximum of 63 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and characters = @ _ -. Note that these are different and separate from the system defined finding tags.
  7. You can Assign Scope to the finding policy by specifying what projects the policy has to scan.
    • In Inclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you want to scan.
    • In Exclusions, enter the tags of the projects that you do not want to scan. Exclusions take precedence over the inclusions, in case of a conflict.
    • Click the link to view the projects included in the finding policy scan.
    • You can set custom tags for your projects from Projects > Settings > Custom Tags. See also Tagging projects.
    • If your policy has both include and exclude tags, and a project matches both, the exclude tag takes precedence, and the policy won’t apply to that project.
  8. Name Your Finding Policy.
    • Enter a human readable Name for your finding policy.
    • Enter a Description for your finding policy that describes what it does.
    • Enter any Policy Tags that you want to associate with your policy. Tags can have a maximum of 63 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and characters = @ _ -.
  9. Advanced: When you define a policy you do so for the current namespace and all child namespaces. If you do not want the policy to be applied to any child namespaces, click Advanced and deselect Propagate this policy to all child namespaces.
  10. Click Create Finding Policy. The policy will be enabled by default.

Create a finding policy from scratch

Write a finding policy from scratch using the OPA Rego policy language.

  1. Sign in to Endor Labs, and select Policies from the left sidebar.

  2. Click Create Finding Policy.

  3. Choose From Scratch to author a finding policy from scratch.

  4. Enter the Rego rule for the policy in Rego Definition. For instance, the following Rego rule identifies dependencies with an Endor Labs overall score lower than 7.

    package examples
    match_package_version_score[result] {
      some i
      data.resources.Metric[i] == "package_version_scorecard"
      data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_kind == "PackageVersion"
      data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_uuid == data.resources.PackageVersion[_].uuid
      score := data.resources.Metric[i].spec.metric_values.scorecard.score_card.overall_score
      score < 7
      result = {
        "Endor": {
          "PackageVersion": data.resources.Metric[i].meta.parent_uuid
        "Score": sprintf("%v", [score])
  5. Enter the OPA Query Statement for the rule in the following format: data.<package-name>.<function-name>. For the example, the query statement is data.examples.match_package_version_score in the above Rego rule.

  6. Select the Resource Kinds required to evaluate the policy. For the example above the required resource kinds are PackageVersion and Metric.

  7. In Group by Fields, if applicable, list which custom output fields to group the findings by in addition to the resource UUID. Use this optional field if you want to be able to raise multiple findings against the same finding target. For example, a repository version may have multiple exposed secrets and thus there are multiple findings of the same type for the same repository version. Note that you do not need to add all (or any) custom fields here, just the ones you want to be used to group the matches by.

  8. Choose a Severity for the generated finding.

  9. Enter a short Summary of the finding.

  10. Enter an Explanation for the finding. You can include additional information or explain why this finding is important.

  11. Describe how to mitigate the finding in Remediation.

  12. Enter the Finding Name.

  13. Select one or more categories for the finding in Finding Categories.

  14. See steps 6-10 above under Create a finding policy from template

Note: The application verifies the Rego syntax and query statement before creating the policy. However, please note that the logic cannot be fully validated without input data. See also validate policy.

Available resource kinds

Every policy must specify the resource kinds it needs to execute the Rego logic. Requested resource kind objects for the current scan are made available to the Rego code under data.resources.<ResourceKind>. The following resource kinds are available:

Finding targets

Findings are raised against finding targets. Findings targets have one of three resource kinds:

  1. Repository (for example, default branch protections)
  2. RepositoryVersion (for example, CI/CD coverage, secrets)
  3. PackageVersion (for example, vulnerabilities, scores, licenses)

Individual finding target records are identified by their universally unique identifier (UUID). The finding target record is the parent of the finding record.

Note: The finding target resource kind is PackageVersion for findings in the root package as well as for findings in its dependencies. A dependency PackageVersion record may or not be in the same namespace as the root package. The relationships between the root package and its dependencies is captured by the corresponding DependencyMetadata records. All DependencyMetadata records are children of the root PackageVersion record in the same namespace as the root PackageVersion.

Expected output format

All finding policies must generate the finding payload as json data, listing the finding target resource kind and UUID under “Endor” in the following format.

foo[result] {
  <match conditions>

  result = {
    "Endor": {
      <resource-kind>: <resource-uuid>
    <custom-key>: <custom-value>
Custom output fields

Custom key-value pairs are optional. The value is treated as a single string and must be formatted accordingly. If a custom key is specified in the Group by Fields list then the value is appended to the finding name (the key is not included). Example: SSL disabled for Webhook ID #444611302, where SSL disabled for Webhook is the value of the Finding Name field and ID #444611302 is the value of a custom key. Otherwise, both the key and the value are listed at the end of the finding summary on a new line for each pair. Example: Score: 4.10.

Validate policy

See the endorctl validate policy command for details on how to validate a custom policy and inspect the matches returned for a given project.

1 - CI/CD tool policies

Learn about the predefined finding policy templates for CI/CD tools used in your software development environment.

Policy templates for CI/CD tool detection

Endor Labs provides the following finding policy templates for detecting CI/CD tool usage. See Finding Policies for details on how to create policies from policy templates.

Policy Template Description Severity
Unauthorized tool usage Raise a finding if a repository uses a tool that is specifically not approved by the company policy. Medium
Require tool category Raise a finding if a repository does not have any tools in a required tool category. Medium
Require tool Raise a finding if a required tool is not detected in a repository. Medium

2 - Container policies

Learn about the predefined finding policy templates for containers.

Endor Labs provides the following container image finding policy template to detect a if a base image is not permitted by an organization. See Finding Policies for details on how to create policies from policy templates.

Policy Template Description Severity
Permit only trusted base images for container images Raise a finding if a container image uses a base image not approved by the company policy. Critical

3 - License policies

Learn about the predefined finding policy templates for open source license risk management.

Policy templates for open source license detection

Endor Labs provides the following policy templates for detecting open source license usage. See Finding Policies for details on how to create policies from policy templates.

Policy Template Description Severity
Permit only specified software licenses Use this template to define an allowed list of software licenses permitted within your organization or a subset of projects. Endor Labs will raise findings when dependencies in packages or projects have licenses that are not on the allowed list. Medium
Restricted software licenses Use this template to define a blocked list of software licenses that should be restricted from use or only used within specific contexts within your organization. Endor Labs will raise findings when dependencies in packages or projects have licenses that are on the blocked list. Medium
Restricted software license types Use this template to create an organizational policy to restrict certain license types or limit a license type to specific contexts within an organization. This is useful to identify license risks and violations in 3rd party open source packages. The license type classification in this policy follows the industry best practice rules defined by Google license types. If no license types are specified using the input parameter, only “restricted” and “FORBIDDEN” license types are flagged. Medium

4 - Open-source policies

Learn about the out-of-the-box finding policies for open source risk management.

Open source risk policies generally fall into one of several categories:

  • Vulnerabilities - Known vulnerabilities associated with a software component.
  • Operational Risk - Issues that may make it more expensive to address any application impacting bug, including a security vulnerability.
  • License Risk - Issues that may cause legal or compliance risk associated with your software.

Policies for open source risk management

Endor Labs comes with the following out-of-the-box finding policies to detect open source risks. See Finding Policies for details on how to enable or disable out-of-the-box policies.

Policy Description Severity
Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities indicate security weaknesses or flaws in the dependencies used by a software project. They can pose risks to the overall security and stability of a project. Raises findings for projects where vulnerabilities are detected. Critical
Flag Phantom Dependencies Raises findings for dependencies that are used in source code but not declared in the package’s manifest files. These dependencies are called phantom dependencies and are detected during deep scans. They are not detected during a --quick-scan. Medium
License Risks Raises findings for dependencies where the repository is either missing a license or has license related problems, for example multiple conflicting licenses. Medium
Outdated Dependencies Outdated dependencies are software libraries, frameworks, or modules that are being used in a project but have newer versions available. They are usually superseded by newer releases that offer bug fixes, security patches, improved functionality, or better performance. Raises findings for projects with outdated software libraries, frameworks, or modules. Medium
Unmaintained Dependencies Unmaintained dependencies refer to external libraries, frameworks, or modules that are no longer actively maintained or supported by their developers. These dependencies may have reached end-of-life, without updates, bug fixes, security patches, or any form of support. Raises findings for projects with unmaintained packages. Medium
Unpinned Direct Dependencies Unpinned direct dependencies indicate the absence of a specific version or range of versions for a dependency. This can lead to potential issues because different versions of dependencies may introduce changes, bug fixes, or even breaking changes, which can impact the project’s behavior or stability. Raises findings for projects with unpinned dependencies. Medium
Unused Direct Dependencies Unused direct dependencies are listed in a project’s configuration or dependency file and are not utilized or referenced in the project’s source code. Raise findings for projects with unused direct dependencies. Medium
Low Endor Activity Scores Projects with low Endor Labs activity scores are less likely to be kept up to date. They are susceptible to software bugs and security risks. Raise findings for packages with low Endor Labs activity scores. Low
Missing Source Code If you cannot audit the source code associated with a software component, there is limited visibility that can result in operational and security risks. Raises findings for packages with missing source code. Low
Low Endor Quality Scores Projects with low Endor Labs quality scores are highly likely to be susceptible to security and operational risks. Raise findings for packages with low Endor Labs quality scores. Low
Potential Typosquats Typosquat is a malicious practice where a domain name closely resembles popular or legitimate domain names but contains typographical errors. This can deceive or exploit users who make mistakes while typing the intended website’s URL or package name. Raises findings for packages that contain potential typosquats. Low
Low Endor Popularity Scores A popularity score indicates how well the software component is being used by developers. Raise findings for repositories that have low popularity scores. Low

5 - RSPM policies

Learn about the out-of-the-box finding policies for repository security posture management (RSPM).

Strong information security practices are necessary to secure your open source code used in your development and delivery infrastructure.

Policies for repository security posture management

Endor Labs comes with the following out-of-the-box policies that help you determine the effectiveness of your security practices. See Finding Policies for details on how to enable, disable, or edit out-of-the-box policies.

Policy Description Severity
Archive inactive repositories Repositories that are not actively maintained are vulnerable to security breaches. Archiving such repositories helps maintain a cleaner and more organized GitHub environment. Archiving ensures repositories become read-only, thus preventing unauthorized modifications. Raise findings for repositories that have been inactive beyond the duration specified by the user, defaulting to 6 months if not specified. High
At least two administrators should be configured for a repository Having fewer than two administrators for a repository may cause problems when the administrator is unavailable. A minimum of two administrators must be configured to meet this requirement. Medium
Authorization to push or merge to protected branches should be limited Limiting the authorization to push or merge code to protected branches is a best practice in software development workflows. By restricting access to protected branches, you maintain control over code changes and ensure that only authorized individuals can make modifications. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce rules around merging code to protected branches. Medium
Branch protection rules should be enforced on administrators Enforcing branch protection rules on administrators is a best practice in software development workflows. By applying branch protection rules to administrators, you ensure that even privileged individuals follow the established processes and adhere to the same standards as other team members. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce branch protection rules. Medium
Branches should be up-to-date before merging Ensuring that branches are up-to-date before merging is a best practice in software development. It avoids conflicts, helps in the early detection of issues, and maintains code coherence. Raise findings for repositories that do not enforce rules on branches to be up-to-date before merging. Medium
Code owner review is required when a change affects owned code Code owner review is a practice in software development where specific individuals or teams are designated as code owners for certain parts of the codebase. When a change is proposed that affects code owned by a particular individual or team, a code owner review is required before the change can be merged into the main codebase. Low
Code owner should be configured for sensitive code Code owner review is a best practice in software development workflows where specific individuals or teams are designated as code owners for certain parts of the codebase. When a change is proposed that affects code owned by a particular individual or team, a code owner review is required before the change can be merged into the main codebase. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce code owner reviews. Low
Comments should be resolved before merging Resolving comments ensures that all feedback, questions, and issues raised during the code review process have been addressed satisfactorily before the code is considered ready for integration. Raises findings for repositories that do not resolve comments before merging. Low
Commits should be signed for new changes Requiring commits to be signed for new changes is a best practice in software development workflows. Commit signing involves using digital signatures to verify the authenticity and integrity of the commit. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce signed commits. Medium
Contributors should not approve their own changes Robust code reviews are essential and contributors should not approve their own changes in a collaborative software development environment. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce code reviews. High
Default member permissions should be restricted As a best practice, set the base permissions for members in an organization to either “read” or “none” on GitHub. Restricting member permissions controls the access over repositories and prevents misuse. Medium
Dismissing Code Change Reviews should be restricted Restricting the ability to dismiss code change reviews is a best practice in software development workflows. Dismissing code change reviews should be limited to specific cases and authorized individuals to ensure accountability, maintain code quality, and promote a collaborative and transparent review process. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce rules around dismissing code reviews. Medium
Ensure branch protection is enforced for the default branch Branch protection rules allow you to set controls over your software development processes. The default branch for this repository has no branch protection rules and should be protected. High
Force pushing code to protected branches should be restricted Restricting the ability to force push code to protected branches is a best practice in software development workflows. Restricting this action helps maintain code integrity, accountability, and collaboration. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce rules around pushing code to protected branches. Medium
Linear commit history should be required Linear comment history indicates a chronological sequence of commits made to a code repository. It provides a clear and chronological view of the code changes made to a repository, aiding in code navigation, collaboration, and bug tracking. Raises findings for repositories that do not have linear commit history. Low
Missing Source Code If you cannot audit the source code associated with a software component, there is limited visibility that can result in operational and security risks. Raises findings for packages with missing source code. Low
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) should be required for external contributors Multi-Factor Authentication adds an additional layer of security to access accounts or systems and prevents unauthorized access to code repositories. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce MFA for external contributors. High
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) should be required for organization members Multi-Factor Authentication adds an additional layer of security to access accounts or systems and prevents unauthorized access to code repositories. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce MFA for members in their organization. High
Organization webhooks must be configured with a secret The authenticity of a webhook payload cannot be verified when it is set up without a secret key. Anyone could send forged payloads to the organization’s webhook endpoints leading to security issues. Medium
Organization webhooks should use HTTPS A webhook URL is used to send notifications, along with a payload, to designated internet endpoints. Given that the payload contains sensitive information, all webhooks must be directed toward endpoints secured by HTTPS. Medium
Organization webhooks should use SSL verification When Organization webhook SSL verification is disabled, GitHub is explicitly instructed not to verify the identity of the remote server it is sending information to. This configuration bypasses standard security controls in the HTTP protocol, which are designed to prevent attackers from executing man in the middle attacks. Low
Organizations should be verified The Organization Verified badge on GitHub is a visual indicator that signifies an organization’s authenticity and official status. It helps users identify legitimate and trusted organizations on the GitHub platform. Raise findings for organizations that are not verified. Low
Organizations should have fewer than three owners Organization administrators have the highest level of permissions, including the ability to add/remove collaborators, create or delete repositories, change branch protection policy, and convert to a publicly accessible repository. Due to the permissive access granted to an organization administrator, it is highly recommended to have at most three administrator accounts. Medium
Private repositories should not permit forking Allowing forking in repositories within an organization can compromise data security, potentially exposing sensitive information to unauthorized parties. It exposes vulnerabilities in the codebase, making it more susceptible to exploitation. Additionally, tracking changes across multiple forks becomes complicated. Low
Protected Branch Deletion should be blocked Protecting branch deletion, especially for critical branches, is a best practice in software development workflows. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce rules around protected branch deletion. Medium
Repository webhooks must be configured with a secret The authenticity of a webhook payload cannot be verified when it is set up without a secret key. Anyone could send forged payloads to the repository’s webhook endpoints leading to security issues. Medium
Repository webhooks should use HTTPS A webhook URL is used to send notifications, along with a payload, to designated internet endpoints. Given that the payload contains sensitive information, all webhooks must be directed toward endpoints secured by HTTPS. Medium
Repository webhooks should use SSL verification When repository webhook SSL verification is disabled, GitHub is explicitly instructed not to verify the identity of the remote server it is sending information to. This configuration bypasses standard security controls in the HTTP protocol, which are designed to prevent attackers from executing man in the middle attacks. Low
Require a file A outlines security practices, reporting procedures, and guidelines for handling security-related issues within a project. It is included in the root directory of software repositories. Raise findings for repositories that do not include a file. Low
Restrict general action permissions to organization members Setting general action permissions for the organization to “all” can pose security risks by allowing unrestricted access to repositories to use GitHub actions. This ensures that actions within the organization are confined to local resources, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access or unintended actions on external resources. High
Restrict the creation of repositories to trusted members Limiting repository creation to trusted users and teams is advisable for maintaining organizational structure, reducing tracking workload, preventing impersonation, and avoiding overloading the version-control system. Medium
Stale approvals should be dismissed To prevent malicious code from being introduced into a codebase, it is important to have a robust approval process for code changes. When changes are made to a proposal, outdated approvals must be declined, and previously accepted code changes must be re-evaluated. The approval process should involve multiple reviewers, and organizations should also consider implementing automated code analysis and security testing. Medium
Status checks should pass before merging new code Ensuring that status checks pass before merging new code is a best practice in software development workflows. Status checks serve as automated checks or validations that assess the quality, integrity, and readiness of the code changes before they are merged into the main codebase. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce status checks before merging new code. Medium
Two informed reviews should be required for code changes Requiring two informed reviews for code changes is a best practice in software development. It helps ensure that code changes are thoroughly examined, promotes collaboration, and increases the overall quality of the codebase. Raises findings for repositories that do not enforce two reviews for code changes. Medium
Workflows should not be allowed to create and approve pull requests Allowing workflows to create and approve pull requests within an organization can enable users to evade code-review protocols. Attackers could exploit this by establishing workflows that autonomously approve their pull requests and merge them discreetly. Consequently, they can introduce potentially harmful code into the production system. High

6 - Secret policies

Learn about the out-of-the-box finding policies and templates for secret detection.

Policies for secret detection

Endor Labs comes with the following out-of-the-box finding policies to detect leaked secrets. See Finding Policies for details on how to enable, disable, or edit out-of-the-box policies.

Note: The out-of-the-box secret policies can be deleted and re-created from the corresponding policy templates. See Policy templates for secret detection below.

Policy Description Severity
Valid Secrets Scan the code for active secrets. When a secret is valid, it means that the secret meets the necessary criteria or requirements to be considered acceptable or legitimate within a given context. For example GitHub personal access tokens of an employee that are not yet expired and can be used to access an organization’s codebase. Critical
Invalid Secrets Scan the code for any secrets that are no longer valid. Low
Secrets without validation rules Detect secrets that cannot be validated either because there is no validator or the validation failed for any reason. Medium

Policy templates for secret detection

Endor Labs provides the following finding policy templates for detecting secrets. See Finding Policies for details on how to create policies from policy templates.

Policy Template Description Severity
Valid Secrets Use this template to scan the code for active secrets. When a secret is valid, it means that the secret meets the necessary criteria or requirements to be considered acceptable or legitimate within a given context. For example GitHub personal access tokens of an employee that are not yet expired and can be used to access an organization’s codebase. Critical
Invalid Secrets Use this template to scan the code for any secrets that are no longer valid. Low
Secrets without validation rules Use this template to detect secrets that cannot be validated either because there is no validator or the validation failed for any reason. Medium
Define custom secret token policy rules Use this template to detect secrets in the code using a custom secret rule to detect secret of any service that may not be included in the other rules. Critical

7 - GitHub Action policies

Learn about the out-of-the-box finding policies for GitHub Actions.

Endor Labs provides the following out-of-the-box policies that help you assess the security posture of GitHub Actions used in your software delivery process.

See Finding Policies for details on how to enable, disable, or edit out-of-the-box policies.

Policies for RSPM

Policy Template Description Severity
Default workflow token permission should be read only Set the default GitHub Action workflow token permission to read-only. It is highly recommended to adhere to the principle of least privilege for generating workflow tokens and enforce the workflow authors to explicitly specify the permissions they require. High
Restrict GitHub Actions to selected repositories Selectively enabling GitHub Actions ensures better resource management and mitigates security risks. Raise findings for organizations where GitHub Actions are enabled for all repositories. Medium
Restrict runner groups to specific repositories It is recommended to limit the runner groups to specific repositories. Malicious users within an organization can create repositories with workflows designed to exploit vulnerabilities. If such repositories are allowed access to the organization’s hosted runners, they could trigger automated tasks and disrupt your network. High
Restrict the use of runner groups for public repositories It is recommended to allow only workflows from private or internal repositories to run on GitHub hosted runners. This prevents security risks posed by malicious actors who could exploit workflows from public repositories to gain unauthorized access to your private network. High
Workflows should not be allowed to create and approve pull requests Do not configure the GitHub Action workflows to create and approve pull requests. Code review is a crucial part of the software development process and must be performed by human reviewers. High

Policies for assessing configuration settings in workflow files

Policy Template Description Severity
Non-OIDC cloud authentication detected in GitHub workflow file The GitHub Action workflow file authenticates to the cloud without using OIDC. Do not use hardcoded secrets to authenticate with a cloud provider. OpenID Connect(OIDC) is recommended, which provides a short-lived access token directly from the cloud provider. High
Script injection detection in GitHub workflow file The workflow file contains a bash injection script with an expression that could include user input. As a best practice, assign the value of untrusted input expressions to an intermediate environment variable to mitigate code and command injection vulnerabilities in GitHub workflows. High
Secrets object detected in GitHub workflow file This GitHub Actions job has access to all repository and organization secrets. As a best practice, avoid using ${{ toJSON(secrets) }} or ${{ secrets[...] }} and consider using GitHub Actions environment variables accessing individual secrets to restrict the secrets available to the job. High
Untrusted code checkout detected in workflow file This repository workflow uses ‘pull_request_target’ with an explicit PR checkout and executes build commands like ’npm install’ or ’npm build’. This is risky because the build scripts and referenced packages are controlled by the PR author. High

8 - AI model policies

Learn about the predefined finding policy templates for CI/CD tools used in your software development environment.

Policy templates for AI models

Endor Labs provides the following finding policy templates for detecting AI models that have low Endor score. See Finding Policies for details on how to create policies from policy templates.

Policy Template Description Severity
AI models with low scores Raise a finding if the repository uses an AI model with an Endor score value that is less than the specified threshold value." Low