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Data model

Learn about the Endor Labs data model.

Objects are persistent entities within the Endor Labs system that represent the results of your scans. Specifically, they can describe:

  • The projects and/or package versions that were scanned.
  • The results of the scans, including ScanResults, Findings, and Metrics.
  • The context used for the scan (for example, main branch vs. pull request).
  • The policies used for the scans.

To create, modify, or delete objects, you need to use the Endor Labs REST API - Either indirectly with the endorctl command-line tool or directly with the REST API.

1 - Common fields

Learn about the common fields for all objects in the Endor Labs data model.

All objects adhere to the same high-level structure as outlined below. Object specific fields are defined in Spec. For more information, see Resource kinds.


All objects have a unique UUID. You can use UUID to retrieve objects individually through the API.


All objects include a common nested object called Meta. This mandatory object contains common fields for each object, including:

Field name Description
name The name of the object.
description A description of the object.
kind The resource kind of the object (for example, RepositoryVersion).
version The version of the object, used to differentiate between different versions if needed.
parent_uuid The UUID of the parent object.
parent_kind The resource kind of the parent object (for example, Project).
create_time The time the object was created.
update_time The time the object was last updated (HTTP PATCH).
upsert_time The time the object was last updated or created (HTTP POST).
created_by The name and authentication source of the user who created the object. Example:
updated_by The name and authentication source of the last user who updated the object. Example:
tags A list of tags attached to the object. Tags can be used to organize objects and find collections of objects that satisfy certain conditions. A tag must be 63 characters or less and may contain alphanumeric characters, @, _, ., and -. An optional prefix must be separated with = (for example, my_tag=my_value).
annotations Map of additional metadata for the object. Annotation keys may contain alphanumeric characters, _, ., and -. Annotation values can be structured or unstructured and may include characters not permitted by tags. Values must be 16384 bytes or smaller.


Most objects include a common nested object called TenantMeta. TenantMeta contains the following field:

Field name Description
namespace Name of the namespace the object belongs to. Organizes organizational units into virtual groupings of objects. Namespaces must be fully qualified names (for example, the child namespace of called app is

OSS tenant

There is a common tenant for all OSS projects called oss, to which customers have read access.


All objects include a common nested object called Spec. This mandatory object contains the specification of the object, representing its current state. For more information, see Resource kinds.


Most objects include a common nested object called Context. Contexts keep objects from different scans separated. The context object has the following fields:

Field name Description
type The type of context, usually defined based on how endorctl is being used.
id The ID of the context, such as a pull request ID or branch reference.
will_be_deleted_at The time when the object will be automatically deleted by the system.
tags A list of tags applied to a context. Used primarily for CI and SBOM contexts.

Context types

Each context has a type and an id. For example, objects created during a scan of the default branch belong to the main context, while objects for non-default branches have the context type ref.

Context type Description
CONTEXT_TYPE_MAIN Objects from a scan of the default branch. All objects in the OSS namespace are in the main context. The context id is always default.
CONTEXT_TYPE_REF Objects from a scan of a specific branch. The context id is the branch reference name.
CONTEXT_TYPE_CI_RUN Objects from a PR scan. The context id is the PR UUID. Objects in this context are deleted after 30 days.
CONTEXT_TYPE_SBOM Objects from an SBOM scan. The context id is the SBOM serial number or some other unique identifier.
CONTEXT_TYPE_EXTERNAL Indicates that this object is a copy/temporary value of an object in another project. Used for same-tenant dependencies. In source code reference this is equivalent to “vendor” folders. Package versions in the external context are only scanned for call graphs. No other operations are performed on them.

Processing status

Project and PackageVersion objects include a common nested object called ProcessingStatus, which contains fields about the processing status of the object (when it was/will be scanned). The processing status object has the following fields:

Field name Description
scan_state The state of the scan.
scan_time The last time the object was scanned. Projects onboarded via the GitHub App are scanned every 24 hours.
analytic_time The last time the object was analyzed. Analytics are run automatically every 24 hours.
disable_automated_scan A boolean used to disable automatic scanning by the system.

Scan state

The following scan states are supported:

Scan state Description
SCAN_STATE_NOT_PROCESSED The object has not yet been processed by the system.
SCAN_STATE_IDLE The object has been scanned at least once.
SCAN_STATE_INGESTING The object is being scanned.
SCAN_STATE_ANALYTIC The object is being analyzed.
SCAN_STATE_UNREACHABLE The object is not reachable from the scheduler.
SCAN_STATE_REQUEST_FULL_RESCAN The object is marked for a complete rescan. This only applies to OSS projects.
SCAN_STATE_REQUEST_INCREMENTAL_RESCAN The object is marked for an incremental rescan, where only new packages discovered in the scan are added.


The following is an example of a Project object:

  "meta": {
    "create_time": "2023-12-05T00:04:21.853Z",
    "kind": "Project",
    "name": "",
    "update_time": "2024-05-01T16:50:03.830911988Z",
    "version": "v1"
  "processing_status": {
    "analytic_time": "2024-05-01T16:45:06.483972413Z",
    "disable_automated_scan": true,
    "scan_state": "SCAN_STATE_IDLE",
    "scan_time": "2024-03-18T14:38:31.899249002Z"
  "spec": {
    "git": {
      "full_name": "endorlabs/monorepo",
      "git_clone_url": "",
      "http_clone_url": "",
      "organization": "endorlabs",
      "path": "monorepo",
      "web_url": ""
    "internal_reference_key": "",
    "platform_source": "PLATFORM_SOURCE_GITHUB"
  "tenant_meta": {
    "namespace": "my_namespace"
  "uuid": "656e69058032bf0abaaeb681"

2 - Resource kinds

Learn about the resource kinds in the Endor Labs data model.

Here is an overview diagram of the Endor Labs data model for the most commonly used resource kinds. Lighter shading identifies the objects that are re-computed on every scan.

data model

This section describes the most commonly used resource kinds. For a complete list of supported resource kinds, see the Endor Labs OpenAPI documentation.

All objects contain a reference to the project UUID, either as the parent object (meta.parent_uuid) or a specific field in the object-specific data if the project is not the direct parent (spec.project_uuid if not specified otherwise).

Use the following command to get a list of all objects of a given resource kind in your tenant.

Here are a few useful options:

  • --count
  • --page-size=1
  • --list-all
  • --filter="meta.parent_uuid==<uuid>"
  • --filter="spec.project_uuid==<uuid>"
endorctl api list -r <resource-kind>


  • This is the logical root of all the other information for a given project.
  • Contains information about the source code location of a project, such as a Git repository, or a package manager package name.
  • Does not have a parent and is not associated with a context.
  • The object name is the HTTP clone URL, for example: "".

For more information, see the ProjectService REST API documentation.


  • Contains information about the source code for a project.
  • Child of a Project and, just like the Project, does not belong to a context.
  • There is at most one Repository per Project, but a Project may not have a Repository if there is no source code.
  • The object name is the same as the Project.

For more information, see the RepositoryService REST API documentation.


  • Contains information about a specific version of a Repository.
  • Has the Project as the parent.
  • There are often multiple RepositoryVersions per project.
  • Each RepositoryVersion is associated with a Context.
  • The object name is the corresponding branch name, tag, or SHA, for example: "main".

For more information, see the RepositoryVersionService REST API documentation.


  • Contains information about a specific version of a package and its dependencies.
  • Does not have a parent (for historical reasons), but is associated with a Context and connected to the Project via spec.project_uuid.
  • The object name is the corresponding package version name in the format <ecosystem>://<package-name>@<version>, for example: "mvn://org.webjars.npm:types__json-schema@1.2.3".

For more information, see the PackageVersionService REST API documentation.

Resolution errors

Details about any dependency resolution or call graph generation errors for a package version are stored in spec.resolution_errors. There are three categories of resolution errors, each with a separate field that can contain up to one resolution error:

  1. Unresolved - Details in spec.resolution_errors.unresolved if there was an error computing the unresolved dependencies.
  2. Resolved - Details in spec.resolution_errors.resolved if there was an error resolving the dependency versions.
  3. Call graph - Details in spec.resolution_errors.call_graph if there was an error generating the call graph.

Each resolution error has a status_error field and may also contain details about the target, the operation that failed, and a description of the error. The following status errors are supported:

Status Error Description
STATUS_ERROR_BUILD Indicates that the plugin failed to build the package version. This status error is only used for unresolved dependencies.
STATUS_ERROR_CALL_GRAPH Indicates that the system failed to create the call graph. This status error is only used for call graph computation.
STATUS_ERROR_DEPENDENCY Indicates that the system failed to resolve a dependency. Usually happens when a manifest contains bad associations of dependencies and versions. This status error is only used for resolved dependencies.
STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL Indicates that there was an internal system failure such as a data stream error.
STATUS_ERROR_MANIFEST_LOAD Indicates that the system is unable to find the manifest of the language (pom.xml, packages.json, etc). This status error is only used for unresolved dependencies.
STATUS_ERROR_MANIFEST_PARSE Indicates that the system failed to parse the manifest. This status error is only used for unresolved dependencies.
STATUS_ERROR_MISSING_ARTIFACT Indicates that the system failed to compute the call graph because the package is not built. This status error is only used for call graph computation.
STATUS_ERROR_NO_CODE_ARTIFACT Indicates that the package version does not have any source code. This status error is only used for call graphs.
STATUS_ERROR_PACKAGE_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE Indicates that the package version is not available from the package manager. This status error is only used for unresolved dependencies.
STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED Indicates that a package version with an unsupported language was scanned.
STATUS_ERROR_VENV Indicates that the system failed to create the virtual environment required to generate the call graph. This status error is only applicable to Python projects.

Below is an example resolution error in the Resolved category:

  "spec": {
    "resolution_errors": {
      "resolved": {
        "description": "failed to discover dependency: unable to resolve dependencies for 'requirements': unable to get direct dependencies: unable to install modules to extract dependencies: unable to resolve package version: ResolveModuleVersion: error in pypi json api for: torch, exact version: 1.9.0+cpu, err: package not found in the repository: unable to resolve dependency version: unable to discover dependencies, unable to discover dependencies",
        "operation": "python:resolvedDependencies:discover",
        "status_error": "STATUS_ERROR_DEPENDENCY",
        "target": "pypi://requirements@main"


  • Different from other common resource kinds as it represents the relationship between two PackageVersions: The importer and the dependency.
  • There is one DependencyMetadata object for every dependency for every PackageVersion.
  • Has the importer PackageVersion as the parent and exists in the same Namespace and Context as the parent.
  • The object name is the same as the dependency PackageVersion.
  • Combine the object name ( and the parent UUID (meta.parent_uuid) to get a unique key.
  • Connected to the Project via spec.importer_data.project_uuid.
  • Details about the relationship are stored in spec.dependency_data, for example:
    • spec.dependency_data.reachable
    • spec.dependency_data.scope

For more information, see the DependencyMetadataService REST API documentation.


  • Contains the results of scans using 3rd party programs such as gitleaks or Semgrep.
  • Has a RepositoryVersion or PackageVersion as the parent.
  • Belongs to the same Context as the parent.
  • Connected to the Project through spec.project_uuid.
  • The object name is the name of the rule that created the result, for example: "gen-shady-links".
  • The result origin is stored in spec.origin, for example: "LINTER_RESULT_ORIGIN_SECRETS_SCANNER".

For more information, see the LinterResultService REST API documentation.


  • Contains the output of the analytics processing.
  • Has a PackageVersion, RepositoryVersion, or Repository as the parent.
  • Belongs to the same Context as the parent.
  • Connected to the Project via spec.project_uuid.
  • The object name is the name of the analytic that created the metric, for example: "package_version_scorecard".

For more information, see the MetricService REST API documentation.

Metric types

There are many different types of Metrics. The specifics are stored under spec.metric_values.<key>.<value>, for example: spec.metric_values.scorefactor.score_factor_list. Some Metrics have more than one key-value field under spec.metric_values. The following table lists all supported Metric types along with the corresponding paths to the Metric specific data under spec.metric_values.

Metric Name Metric Values Paths Description
github_workflow_posture GHWorkflowPosture.github_workflows Posture management of github workflow yaml files for a repository version.
model_scorecard scorecard.score_card, scorefactor.score_factor_list Scorecard for a model repository.
package_version_scorecard scorecard.score_card, scorefactor.score_factor_list Scorecard for a package version.
pkg_version_info_for_license licenseInfoType.license_info License information for a package version.
pkg_version_stats_for_dependency dependencyStatsType.dependency_stats Dependency related statistics for a package version.
pkg_version_stats_for_linter linterStats.linter_stats Linter related statistics for a package version.
pkg_version_stats_for_secret secretStats.secret_stats Secret related statistics for a package version.
pkg_version_stats_for_vuln vulnerabilityStatsType.vulnerability_stats, publishedVulnerabilitiesStatsType.time_tracker Vulnerability related statistics for a package version.
repo_activity_for_commit locationActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityCountType.tag_counts Commit activity for a repository.
repo_activity_for_issue locationActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityCountType.tag_counts Issue activity for a repository.
repo_activity_for_pr allActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, accountActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityCountType.tag_counts PR activity for a repository.
repo_scorecard scorecard.score_card, scorefactor.score_factor_list Scorecard for a repository.
repo_scpm_data ScpmDataType.scpm_data RSPM data for a repository.
repo_stats_for_dependency dependencyStatsType.dependency_stats Dependency related statistics for a repository version.
repo_stats_for_file fileStats.file_stats File related statistics for a repository version.
version_activity_for_commit locationActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityCountType.tag_counts Commit activity of a repository version.
version_activity_for_issue locationActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityCountType.tag_counts Issue activity of a repository version.
version_activity_for_pr allActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, accountActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityTrackerType.time_tracker, locationActivityCountType.tag_counts PR activity of a repository version.
version_cicd_tools CiCdTools.ci_cd_tools List of CI/CD Tools for a repository version.
version_scorecard scorecard.score_card, scorefactor.score_factor_list Scorecard for a repository version.
version_stats_for_dependency dependencyStatsType.dependency_stats Dependency related statistics for a repository version.
version_stats_for_file fileStats.file_stats File related statistics for a repository version.
version_stats_for_vuln vulnerabilityStatsType.vulnerability_stats, publishedVulnerabilitiesStatsType.time_tracker Vulnerability related statistics for a package version.


  • Contains details of a problem that needs to be fixed.
  • Has a PackageVersion, RepositoryVersion, or Repository as the parent.
  • Belongs to the same Context as the parent.
  • Connected to the Project via spec.project_uuid.
  • There are many different types of Findings and new types can be created by custom Finding Policies.
  • The object name is the Finding type, for example: "outdated_release". For more information, see Finding names and metadata below.
  • The object description contains a more specific description of the Finding, for example: "Outdated Dependency @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@7.8.4".
  • Additional finding type specific data is stored in spec.finding_metadata, for example: spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.
  • PackageVersion Findings often involve both the root PackageVersion and a dependency PackageVersion. The following details about the dependency PackageVersion are available directly in the Finding object:
    • spec.target_dependency_name, for example: "@babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators"
    • spec.target_dependency_package_name, for example: "npm://@babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@7.8.4"
    • spec.target_dependency_version, for example: "7.8.4"
    • spec.finding_metadata.dependency_package_version_metadata
  • The UUID of the DependencyMetadata for the dependency is stored in spec.target_uuid.
  • There is one Finding object for every PackageVersion that includes a dependency with a given problem. If 10 PackageVersions include a dependency with a vulnerability then there will be 10 findings for the vulnerability.

For more information, see the FindingService REST API documentation.

Finding names and metadata

The following table lists all supported values for the Finding field along with an example value for the corresponding meta.description and an explanation.

Finding Name Example Description Explanation
archived_source_code_repo Unmaintained Dependency derive-error-chain@0.10.1 The source code repository for this package is archived. There is no additional metadata for this finding type.
bad_license License Risk in Dependency org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-io@2.0.3 The repository for this package is either missing a license or the license found is problematic. There is no additional metadata for this finding type.
dependency_with_critical_vulnerabilities GHSA-65fg-84f6-3jq3: SQL Injection in Log4j 1.2.x A critical severity known vulnerability has been assessed against this version of the software package according to the information in Additional information about the vulnerability is stored in spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.
dependency_with_high_severity_vulnerabilities GHSA-w9p3-5cr8-m3jj: Deserialization of Untrusted Data in Log4j 1.x This package version contains a vulnerability that has been marked as high severity according to the information in Additional information about the vulnerability is stored in spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.
dependency_with_low_activity_score Dependency tempdir@0.3.7 With Low Activity Score This package may be unmaintained, as determined by several factors contributing to a low activity score. Reliance on packages that are no longer maintained can make it costly or unreasonable to fix significant security risks, or quality issues. This may render the package obsolete over time. By relying on an unmaintained software package, organizations may assume the cost of maintenance and have a longer lead time for fixes on any security issues, if they are fixed at all. Additional information about the score is stored in spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_card and spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_factor_list.
dependency_with_low_popularity_score Dependency unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@2.0.0 With Low Popularity Score Popularity is a social proxy for quality. Popular packages are more likely to remain maintained and thoroughly tested. Relying on lesser known packages for critical functions may increase operational risk. Additional information about the score is stored in spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_card and spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_factor_list.
dependency_with_low_quality_score Dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-api@1.7.6 With Low Quality Score This package may have an increased risk of bugs and quality issues as determined by several factors contributing to a low-quality score. A low quality score indicates a project may have an immature software development practice. Relying on packages that do not follow code development best practices can result in an increased risk of security and operational problems. Additional information about the score is stored in spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_card and spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_factor_list.
dependency_with_low_severity_vulnerabilities GHSA-5mg8-w23w-74h3: Information Disclosure in Guava This package version contains a vulnerability that has been marked as low severity according to the information in Additional information about the vulnerability is stored in spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.
dependency_with_malicious_package MAL-2023-462: Malicious code in fsevents (npm) This version of the software package is considered malware according to Additional information about the malware advisory is stored in spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.
dependency_with_medium_severity_vulnerabilities GHSA-269g-pwp5-87pp: TemporaryFolder on unix-like systems does not limit access to created files This package version contains a vulnerability that has been marked as medium severity according to the information in Additional information about the vulnerability is stored in spec.finding_metadata.vulnerability.
dependency_with_multiple_low_scores Dependency esformatter-remove-trailing-commas@1.0.1 With Multiple Low Scores This package version has received low scores across more than one categories. This is stronger indication that the package may be problematic and presents an increased risk for security and operational problems. Additional information about the scores is stored in spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_card and spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_factor_list.
dependency_with_very_low_activity_score Dependency is-finite@1.1.0 With Very Low Activity Score This package is very likely to be unmaintained, as determined by several factors contributing to a very low activity score. Reliance on packages that are no longer maintained can make it costly or unreasonable to fix significant security risks, or quality issues. This may render the dependency obsolete over time. By relying on an unmaintained software package, organizations may assume the cost of maintenance and have a longer lead time for fixes on any security issues, if they are fixed at all. Additional information about the score is stored in spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_card and spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_factor_list.
dependency_with_very_low_popularity_score Dependency http-range-header@0.3.0 With Very Low Popularity Score Popularity is a social proxy for quality. Popular packages are more likely to remain maintained and thoroughly tested. Relying on lesser known packages for critical functions may increase operational risk. Additional information about the score is stored in spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_card and spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_factor_list.
dependency_with_very_low_quality_score Dependency org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility@1.1 With Very Low Quality Score This package is likely to have an increased risk of bugs and quality issues as determined by several factors contributing to a very low-quality score. A low quality score indicates a project may have an immature software development practice. Relying on packages that do not follow code development best practices can result in an increased risk of security and operational problems. Additional information about the score is stored in spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_card and spec.finding_metadata.dependency_score_factor_list.
missing_source_code Missing Source Code Repository for Dependency commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp@1.4 The package versions source code reference is not currently available. As a result, automated analysis of the package’s activity, popularity, code quality and security have not been performed. Manual assessment is required to assess the operational and security risk of this package. There is no additional metadata for this finding type.
outdated_release Outdated Dependency @babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators@7.8.4 This package has had multiple later releases or a significant period of time has passed since the release of the version currently in use. Relying on outdated dependencies can result in missing important bug fixes or security patches and make upgrades more difficult. There is no additional metadata for this finding type.
policy_finding Code owner approval is not required The finding was created by a Rego policy. The policy UUID is stored in spec.finding_metadata.source_policy_info.uuid.
typosquatted_dependency Dependency serverles@3.27.1 is a Potential Typosquat The name of the dependency is very similar to another package which is more popular and widely used. It is possible that this is a malicious package in the package manager with malware inserted. Additional information about the typosquatted dependency is stored in spec.finding_metadata.typosquatted_dependency_version_metadata.
unpinned_direct_dependency Unpinned Direct Dependency num-integer@0.1.45 This package version has not pinned one of its direct dependencies. Dependencies that are not pinned to a specified version decrease the likelihood of build reproducibility and can be unexpectedly updated, which may introduce operational or security issues into your application. Unpinned dependencies expose organizations to the risk of software supply chain attacks where attackers compromise the upstream software dependency and publish a malicious version of the code. There is no additional metadata for this finding type.
unreachable_direct_dependency Unused Direct Dependency org.typelevel:macro-compat_2.11@1.1.1 Static analysis of this software package indicates that this direct dependency is unused. Unused direct dependencies unnecessarily increase the size of executables, application resource utilization and, increase build time and as a result may decrease developer productivity and application performance. There is no additional metadata for this finding type.

Finding categories

The following finding categories are supported as possible values in the spec.finding_categories list. All findings must have at least one category.

Finding Category UI Category Description
FINDING_CATEGORY_GHACTIONS GitHub Actions GitHub action findings
FINDING_CATEGORY_MALWARE Malware Malware findings
FINDING_CATEGORY_OPERATIONAL Operational Operational issues
FINDING_CATEGORY_SCPM RSPM Repository security posture management issues
FINDING_CATEGORY_SECRETS Secrets Exposed secrets
FINDING_CATEGORY_SECURITY Security Security issues
FINDING_CATEGORY_SUPPLY_CHAIN Supply Chain Supply chain specific problems (malicious packages, typosquats)
FINDING_CATEGORY_TOOLS Tools Tool-related findings
FINDING_CATEGORY_VULNERABILITY Vulnerability Vulnerability findings

Finding tags

The following finding tags are supported as possible values in the spec.finding_tags list.

Finding Tag UI Attribute Description
FINDING_TAGS_CI_BLOCKER Blocker Finding was marked as blocking by one or more action policies. The policy uuids are stored in spec.actions.policy_uuids.
FINDING_TAGS_CI_WARNING Warning Finding triggered a warning based on one or more action policies. The policy uuids are stored in spec.actions.policy_uuids.
FINDING_TAGS_DIRECT Direct Finding applies to a direct dependency.
FINDING_TAGS_EXCEPTION Exception Finding was marked as exempt from action policies by one or more exception policies. The policy uuids are stored in spec.exceptions.policy_uuids.
FINDING_TAGS_FIX_AVAILABLE Fix Available There is a fix available for the CVE reported in this finding.
FINDING_TAGS_INVALID_SECRET Invalid Secret Finding applies to an invalid secret.
FINDING_TAGS_MALWARE Malware Finding applies to a malicious package.
FINDING_TAGS_NAMESPACE_INTERNAL First Party Finding applies to a dependency that belongs to the same namespace.
FINDING_TAGS_NORMAL Normal Finding applies to a normal, non-test, dependency.
FINDING_TAGS_NOTIFICATION Notification Finding triggered a notification based on one or more action policies. The policy uuids are stored in spec.actions.policy_uuids.
FINDING_TAGS_PATH_EXTERNAL External Path Only Finding applies to a transitive dependency that can only be reached through external, non-OSS, project paths.
FINDING_TAGS_PHANTOM Phantom Finding applies to a phantom dependency.
FINDING_TAGS_POLICY Policy Based Finding was generated by a Rego based finding policy. The policy UUID is stored in spec.finding_metadata.source_policy_info.uuid.
FINDING_TAGS_POTENTIALLY_REACHABLE_DEPENDENCY Potentially Reachable Dependency Finding applies to a potentially reachable dependency.
FINDING_TAGS_POTENTIALLY_REACHABLE_FUNCTION Potentially Reachable Function Finding applies to a potentially reachable function.
FINDING_TAGS_PROJECT_INTERNAL Same Repository Finding applies to a dependency that belongs to the same project.
FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_DEPENDENCY Reachable Dependency Finding applies to a reachable dependency.
FINDING_TAGS_REACHABLE_FUNCTION Reachable Function Finding applies to a reachable function.
FINDING_TAGS_SELF Self Finding applies only to the analyzed package version, there is no dependency involved.
FINDING_TAGS_TEST Test Finding applies to a dependency that is not in production code.
FINDING_TAGS_TRANSITIVE Transitive Finding applies to a transitive (indirect) dependency.
FINDING_TAGS_UNDER_REVIEW Under Review Finding applies to suspicious package under review.
FINDING_TAGS_UNFIXABLE Unfixable There is no fix available for the CVE reported in this finding.
FINDING_TAGS_UNREACHABLE_DEPENDENCY Unreachable Dependency Finding applies to an unreachable dependency.
FINDING_TAGS_UNREACHABLE_FUNCTION Unreachable Function Finding applies to an unreachable function.
FINDING_TAGS_VALID_SECRET Valid Secret Finding applies to a valid secret.


There are two ways that a finding can be exempt from triggering action policies (a.k.a. admission and notification policies).

  1. Dismiss finding

    Set the spec.dismiss field to true to exclude the specific finding from action policies. This value persists as long as the finding exists, which is as long as the parent object remains the same. If this is a PackageVersion finding and the root package version number changes, then a new PackageVersion object is created and it gets a new set of findings, so the value of dismiss does not persist.

  2. Add an exception policy

    Exception policies allow you to set any criteria you want to mark findings as exempt and can be applied across all projects, a sub-set of projects, or a specific project, within a tenant. Based on the criteria you set, the exception can persist across multiple package versions.

    Findings matched by one or more exception policies have the FINDING_TAGS_EXCEPTION tag and the corresponding policy object uuids are listed under spec.exceptions.policy_uuids.

Action policies

Findings matched by one or more action policies (a.k.a. admission and notification policies) contain the corresponding policy object uuids in spec.actions.policy_uuids. They also carry a tag corresponding to the specific action, for example, FINDING_TAGS_CI_WARNING, FINDING_TAGS_CI_BLOCKER, or FINDING_TAGS_NOTIFICATION.


  • Contains details of a scan such as:
    • Configuration
    • Host environment details
    • Runtime statistics
    • Findings
    • Policies triggered
    • Error logs
    • Exit code
    • Scan status
  • Has the Project as the parent.
  • Belongs to the same Context as the scan.

For more information, see the ScanResultService REST API documentation.

Scan status

The following scan statuses are supported:

Status Description
STATUS_SUCCESS Scan completed successfully.
STATUS_PARTIAL_SUCCESS Scan completed, but with critical warnings or errors. See spec.logs for more information.
STATUS_FAILURE Scan failed. See spec.exit_code and the exit code documentation for more information.
STATUS_RUNNING Scan is running.