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Common fields

Learn about the common fields for all objects in the Endor Labs data model.

All objects adhere to the same high-level structure as outlined below. Object specific fields are defined in Spec. For more information, see Resource kinds.


All objects have a unique UUID. You can use UUID to retrieve objects individually through the API.


All objects include a common nested object called Meta. This mandatory object contains common fields for each object, including:

Field name Description
name The name of the object.
description A description of the object.
kind The resource kind of the object (for example, RepositoryVersion).
version The version of the object, used to differentiate between different versions if needed.
parent_uuid The UUID of the parent object.
parent_kind The resource kind of the parent object (for example, Project).
create_time The time the object was created.
update_time The time the object was last updated (HTTP PATCH).
upsert_time The time the object was last updated or created (HTTP POST).
created_by The name and authentication source of the user who created the object. Example:
updated_by The name and authentication source of the last user who updated the object. Example:
tags A list of custom tags attached to the object. Tags can be used to organize objects and find collections of objects that satisfy certain conditions. A tag must be 63 characters or less and may contain alphanumeric characters, @, _, ., and -. An optional prefix must be separated with = (for example, my_tag=my_value).
annotations Map of additional metadata for the object. Annotation keys may contain alphanumeric characters, _, ., and -. Annotation values can be structured or unstructured and may include characters not permitted by tags. Values must be 16384 bytes or smaller.


Most objects include a common nested object called TenantMeta. TenantMeta contains the following field:

Field name Description
namespace Name of the namespace the object belongs to. Organizes organizational units into virtual groupings of objects. Namespaces must be fully qualified names (for example, the child namespace of called app is

OSS tenant

There is a common tenant for all OSS projects called oss, to which customers have read access.


All objects include a common nested object called Spec. This mandatory object contains the specification of the object, representing its current state. For more information, see Resource kinds.


Most objects include a common nested object called Context. Contexts keep objects from different scans separated. The context object has the following fields:

Field name Description
type The type of context, usually defined based on how endorctl is being used.
id The ID of the context, such as a pull request ID or branch reference.
will_be_deleted_at The time when the object will be automatically deleted by the system.
tags A list of tags applied to a context. Used primarily for CI and SBOM contexts.

Context types

Each context has a type and an id. For example, objects created during a scan of the default branch belong to the main context, while objects for non-default branches have the context type ref.

Context type Description
CONTEXT_TYPE_MAIN Objects from a scan of the default branch. All objects in the OSS namespace are in the main context. The context id is always default.
CONTEXT_TYPE_REF Objects from a scan of a specific branch. The context id is the branch reference name.
CONTEXT_TYPE_CI_RUN Objects from a PR scan. The context id is the PR UUID. Objects in this context are deleted after 30 days.
CONTEXT_TYPE_SBOM Objects from an SBOM scan. The context id is the SBOM serial number or some other unique identifier.
CONTEXT_TYPE_EXTERNAL Indicates that this object is a copy/temporary value of an object in another project. Used for same-tenant dependencies. In source code reference this is equivalent to “vendor” folders. Package versions in the external context are only scanned for call graphs. No other operations are performed on them.

Processing status

Project and PackageVersion objects include a common nested object called ProcessingStatus, which contains fields about the processing status of the object (when it was/will be scanned). The processing status object has the following fields:

Field name Description
scan_state The state of the scan.
scan_time The last time the object was scanned. Projects onboarded via the GitHub App are scanned every 24 hours.
analytic_time The last time the object was analyzed. Analytics are run automatically every 24 hours.
disable_automated_scan A boolean used to disable automatic scanning by the system.

Scan state

The following scan states are supported:

Scan state Description
SCAN_STATE_NOT_PROCESSED The object has not yet been processed by the system.
SCAN_STATE_IDLE The object has been scanned at least once.
SCAN_STATE_INGESTING The object is being scanned.
SCAN_STATE_ANALYTIC The object is being analyzed.
SCAN_STATE_UNREACHABLE The object is not reachable from the scheduler.
SCAN_STATE_REQUEST_FULL_RESCAN The object is marked for a complete rescan. This only applies to OSS projects.
SCAN_STATE_REQUEST_INCREMENTAL_RESCAN The object is marked for an incremental rescan, where only new packages discovered in the scan are added.


The following is an example of a Project object:

  "meta": {
    "create_time": "2023-12-05T00:04:21.853Z",
    "kind": "Project",
    "name": "",
    "update_time": "2024-05-01T16:50:03.830911988Z",
    "version": "v1"
  "processing_status": {
    "analytic_time": "2024-05-01T16:45:06.483972413Z",
    "disable_automated_scan": true,
    "scan_state": "SCAN_STATE_IDLE",
    "scan_time": "2024-03-18T14:38:31.899249002Z"
  "spec": {
    "git": {
      "full_name": "endorlabs/monorepo",
      "git_clone_url": "",
      "http_clone_url": "",
      "organization": "endorlabs",
      "path": "monorepo",
      "web_url": ""
    "internal_reference_key": "",
    "platform_source": "PLATFORM_SOURCE_GITHUB"
  "tenant_meta": {
    "namespace": "my_namespace"
  "uuid": "656e69058032bf0abaaeb681"