Clone a SAST rule

You can clone an existing SAST rule and use that as a base to build your own rule.

Cloning a rule provides the following benefits:

  • You can make changes to a rule and review the results instead of directly editing an existing rule.
  • You can create a clone of a rule that you do not have permission to edit and make your changes.

To clone a SAST rule:

  1. From the left sidebar, navigate to Policies and Rules and select SAST RULES.

  2. Click on the three dots menu next to a rule and select Clone.

    A copy of the rule appears in the list of rules with the rule name in the format, <original rule name\>-\<number of the clone\>. For example, if you clone the rule Arbitrary Code Execution - Unsanitized inputs for the first time, a clone rule is created with the name, Arbitrary Code Execution - Unsanitized inputs-1.

    Clone SAST rule

  3. Click edit to the cloned rule to edit the cloned rule according to your requirements.

    See Edit a SAST Rule for more information.